
A Photographer & a Visual Artist

Manoj Jadhav is a photographer and a visual expression artist based in Mumbai, India whose

work focuses on intimate portraiture, imagery with classic, romantic visual language. His

photographs occupy a realm between the past and present, resulting in a creation that feels

vintage at once yet progressive and familiar.

A passionate chronicler of Analog Photography and Alternative photographic practices, this

alumnus from Sir JJ Institute of Applied Arts, Mumbai globe trots round the world with his

work assignments and visual arts projects.

25 years strong in his professional life, wearing his middle years graciously, he claims to be

of no fixed address – London, Dubai, Singapore, Milan, Mumbai all home for him where he

has lived and worked since earlier days of his career - still moving, a professional gypsy

whose work has taken him to the most exciting assignments and across some of the most

coveted brands.

Having worked with iconic American photographer Mary Ellen Mark on the World Heritage

Project in India in 2006. He was also chosen by Luerzer's Archive, Austria consecutively for

two years in the 200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide listing.

Credentials that have been recognised by the International Lomography Federation and also

being nominated to be the Impossible Artist for India by Impossible Project in 2014.

He had his first photography solo exhibit in 2004 in Mumbai, Titled - Ten Women.

Since then, he has participated in many Indian and International Photographic exhibitions

and Festivals. His work was displayed at Saatchi art gallery - London, Art Limited - France, Impossible

Project, Austria and for several other events and by galleries across Europe. He was part of Hope or Haiti-India Cares - charity art auction, Mind Pixels - NGMA, Mumbai, Goa international Photofest, Indian Photography Festival, Hyderabad, Serendipity Arts Fest, Goa and showcasing his work at many more of such upcoming events in the coming future.

Besides his ongoing commercial work, he is also working his solo exhibit and his first

Photography Book on Stories of Indian Women.

His fine art images and prints are favoured and brought by many Celebrities, Art lovers and Private Collectors from India and The World over.

INSTAGRAM - @imanojj

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